Friday, August 7, 2009

OK, so I caved

So I gave in. Finally. I read the Twilight books. There were many reasons why I did NOT want to read them:
1. They sounded so ridiculous.
2. I have an unreasonable fear of vampires. Yes, I know they are not real, but really—sucking blood? Ick.
3. They sounded SOOO ridiculous.
4. My unreasonable fear began as a child, when my brother (not even ME) had a nightmare about my mom turning into a vampire. Just his description was enough to send me into a downward spiral of checking my closets and sleeping with the blankets rolled up around my neck (as if THAT would stop the bloodsuckers) well into my teenage years. Pay no attention to the fact that I still roll the blankets up by my neck. It’s just a habit. Really.
5. The story just sounded so amazingly ridiculous.
6. Vampires are SCARY!
Ok, so that is really just two reasons repeated 3 times, but aren’t they good enough?

There is ONE reason why I decided to read them. When we were thinking of baby names, I told my family we were thinking of Isabella for a girl and my cute sister-in-law looked at me conspiratorially and said “Oh, because of Twilight!” I about had a heart attack. I didn’t know anything but the basics of the book and I didn’t know any names. So I decided if there is going to be a whole slew of Mormon Isabella’s, then I should read up about her.

I must say, I went into the books with very low expectations. They were better than I thought, but still not great. And I decided I don’t much like the name Isabella any more. She was a real idiot. Seriously--pushing and pushing her boyfriend to do dangerous things, curling up in a ball and giving up on her own life out on the mountains when he broke up with her (and how can she be so clueless and to not understand why they should be apart), oh just so many things she did and said that made me cringe. But, overall, the books were somewhat fluffily entertaining and have been keeping me busy for the last few weeks. John kind of rolled his eyes at me, and assumed I’ve turned into one of those obsessed fans. Not so. I understand (kind of) the appeal and the craze among teenagers. Who didn’t wish for a gorgeous boy to be so totally obsessed AND in love with you that he put your happiness and virtue before his own desires and (ick) appetites? And to have another boy worship you enough to just be a friend because that's all you'll let him be? But the basics of the story still turn me off: vampires? She WANTS to become a vampire and sulks when Edward won't bite her? Can’t comprehend that. Sorry “Bella”. No one in my family will be named after you.


Carolyn said...

Thanks a lot, Lajuana. Now I am officially one of maybe 3 women who have not read Twilight. Although, I am feeling less and less the need to read them because I already know the whole story. But you are probably wise to avoid the whole Bella name. So does this mean you are going to buy a "Team Edward" shirt?

The Dummfamily said...

I'm with the last person who commented--I've never read the books either. I haven't lost respect for you though! I also know that you were thinking about Isabella as a name when Hannah was born. I'm sorry Twilight ruined the name for you. It was fun seeing the pictures of your family reunion. We loved having you with us for a night.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Ohhhh man!!! Your thoughts echo mine! I read the first...yes fluffily entertaining but I thought she was a complete moron and he was SUCH a jerk to her. The second book, barf. I couldn't even finish the end!!!!!!! I couldn't understand how a person could be so out of touch with their body or their emotions. How can you wonder what the horrible sound is and realize it's your own self sobbing!?!?!? Or not know why your face is wet only to discover so unexpectedly that you were crying?? Dumb.

Sarah H said...

I read the first two and that's all I could take. Sometimes I think i should finish the series just to read some fluff and lighten up!

Kristin said...

I agree with you completely. I don't think I could've said it better myself, and when people ask what I think I wish I could just read your few paragraphs to them. Well said! (And no, none of our children will be named after Bella either!)

Andrea said...

One of the names we really liked was Jacob. We didn't use it mostly because there were too many Jacobs the year Little J was born. I said we'd just save it and down the road the name wouldn't be so popular and we could use it.
Well, last week I was informed that because of the "Saga" Jacob will likely be a popular name for some time to come. I guess I'm glad my child wont be associated with a teenage romance series. Still I'm torn about going back on my word if we have another boy sometime in the future.

Erin said...

Yeah, many of the ladies (and men) in my ward are so into Twilight it makes me sick! Trying to carry on a conversation without it going to Edward, Jacob, Bella, and the like is nearly impossible. I have the same feelings you have. I didn't read the last book until about 2 months ago when curiosity got the best of me...what a waste of time. The ending is crap and the baby's name is the stupidest name I've ever heard. I hope the popular baby names list doesn't include Reneesme.

Stephanie Meyer tells an interesting and unique story at best but is not a great writer. There are so many other great books to read! Why waste your time on vampires with mega hormones? I can't believe kids read this stuff at 12?!!! I better stop there or I'll be typing all day.

chicagosapps said...

Thanks for all the supportive comments! But I MUST have some friends who enjoyed the series. Come on, speak up! Don't be afraid to say you liked the books. Tell us the redeeming qualities of the Twilight saga. It was kind of fun to read. Our ward does a RS newsletter that is hilarious, and in the last one there was a cartoon of 3 women sitting on a sofa (looked like a visiting teaching moment) and they all had large books in their laps (looking like scriptures) and the caption said something like "Today's lesson is on true love, so please turn to page 312 in your Twilight book." I about died laughing in the middle of church, tears streaming from my eyes.

Karen said...

Nope, sorry, Im not one of your Twilight friends either...Too many other exponentially greater books than that series. It was really fun having you guys come over last night and watch Sarah's movie...I will be in touch when the time comes for moral support :)

I do have a great aunt named Isabelle...which is pretty...and not Isabella like the trendy name.

I have a good life said...

Hey there. I have disappeared from the blogging world and come back to find...Twilight on yours! Man, it is everywhere. I read them. I liked them. I didn't love them. I hated the movie. But, Stephenie Meyer also wrote another book called "The Host" and I LOVE that one. Try it...even if you are not a Twilight fan. I thought it was so much better than Twilight, but maybe that's just me.

Hope all is well. Life for us is different. Check out my blog to see why.

kanaboke said...

Amen to The Host..I really enjoyed that book...slow at first, but once it picked up, I was totally into for Twilight, I really only enjoyed the first book, and til this day, can't understand why I wasted precious minutes reading the last 3...oh wait, I know..I'm a curious cat! heheheeh..and it surely killed me to read the last one! LoL LoL LoL!

Debbie said...

Aaahhh! I was hoping that more than myself would withstand the temptation to read those books. I fear I'm all alone now in my stand to not indulge. Oh well. I'm glad you figured out one name you didn't want to use.

I have a good life said...

Thanks for your comment. It is nice to know that prayers for us are coming from everywhere. I'd love to come up and visit at some point. My kids are so big and yours are too! I haven't even seen your youngest in person. Wow!

I have a good life said...

Hey...just wanted y'all to know that you were in my dream last night and you were....moving to Texas! Oh, how I wish it were true! Miss y'all.